Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Grateful...but I need your help

I am so grateful for having been connected with great organizations in Haiti.  Currently, with Community Coalition for Haiti, and previously with Project Medishare for Haiti.  Both organizations working with their involved communities through authentic partnerships to address local needs in sustainable ways.

This past week I read a book titled, Travesty in Haiti: A true account of Christian missions, orphanages, fraud, food aid and drug trafficking by Timothy T Schwartz Ph.D..  It was an insightful and partly disturbing read.  I learned a lot about organizations not carrying out their work in a manner beneficial to the people they are claiming to serve.  

While improvements have certainly occurred since the author's experiences in Haiti in the 1990s, there are still some organizations working in Haiti without the proper focus or methods.  This is why I consider myself extremely fortunate to be working as part of Community Coalition for Haiti.

Over the past 25 years, Community Coalition for Haiti (CCH) has been working in Haiti to transform lives, one person, one family, one community at a time.  As I have come to see over the past three weeks, this mission doesn't just apply to the communities we are working with, it also applies to the volunteers that come down and serve with us.  Not only are the lives of the people we serve changed, but also the lives of the people who come down here to serve.

And that is what I am most grateful for - the opportunity to serve in Haiti for an entire year.  It will most certainly change my life.

But in order to help change my life and the lives of people we are serving, CCH needs your help.  We need your encouragement, your prayers, your knowledge and skills, and your monetary support.  I wish money weren't an issue and we didn't have to continuously work to secure funds for our work, but we do.  I wish the people we served had the ability to pay for everything we provide, but they don't.  While improvements are certainly being made here in Haiti, the change is slow.  

The government is getting more involved.  NGOs are being more effective in their work.  But there is still a great need. CCH and I need your help.  We need your help to empower children and families with the knowledge and skills to live and be healthy.  Whether it be $5, $50 or $5,000, every single donation made will help us in our efforts to improve the lives of the people we work with in our communities here in Haiti.

You may not think that $5 will make any difference, but it most certainly will.  When the majority of the population here in Haiti lives off less than $1 per day, every single dollar donated will make a difference to help improve the lives of people in need.  

If you are able to support our efforts with a monetary contribution, we truly thank you.  If you are able to support our efforts with a prayer, we truly thank you.  If you are able to support our efforts with service, we truly thank you (and look forward to working with you!).  If you are still reading this, I truly thank you, for whether or not you actually donate, it shows me that you care.

I sincerely urge you to partner with us in our efforts.  To support our work,  DONATE HERE.   
Whether it be $500, $50 or $5, every single donation will help make an impact here and will be much appreciated.

For the first $2,000 donated, The Endowment for Community Leadership in Northern Virginia has pledged to match each dollar!  We are so grateful for this partnership.  So if you donate $10, it is really like donating $20.  If you donate $50, it is really like donating $100. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for considering to support our work.  


  1. Where do we go to make a contribution?

  2. Ignore my previous post - just found the tab "support my work" on your blog.... :) So proud of all the work you are doing <3 <3

    1. Thanks Andrea and thank you for the steadfast support.
