To all athletic trainers and physical therapists,
WANT TO GO TO HAITI?? Interested in working with the people of Haiti to improve the health care capacity for physically active persons in Haiti
through an international service trip? I have always wanted to share my experiences in Haiti with the athletic training and physical therapy professions, and finally, here is our opportunity.
I am gathering a group of athletic trainers and/or physical therapists for a professional service trip to Haiti. The purpose of the trip will be to continue the work we have done over the past three years with the Haiti Service Learning Initiative at Merrimack College. Through this initiative, we have provided students the opportunity to work with the rural community of Marmont to increase their health care capacity for musculoskeletal conditions. Now its time to share this experience with the athletic training and physical therapy professions. Here are the details:
WHEN: June 8th - 14th, 2014 (I apologize for the short notice!)
SET-UP: We would be working as a group of independent volunteers with Project Medishare for Haiti. I have worked with this organization over the past three years, traveling to Haiti five times. Unlike their typical volunteers, we would travel and work in the Central Plateau where Merrimack College and myself have developed strong partnerships with the community of Marmont, Haiti.
COST: Not including flights, ~$800 for in-country expenses: car rental, food, lodging, etc.
ontact me directly at if you want to take
part in this trip or future trips. Please include a BRIEF description of your interest, work experience and travel experience.
Talk to you soon,
Kevin Melanson, MS, ATC, PES
(*This trip has no affiliation with Merrimack College)
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