Saturday, June 4, 2016

I'd rather be surfing

I don't like the fact that non-profit organizations exist.  Yes, you read that correctly, I don't like the fact that non-profit organizations exist.  Those organizations providing services to vulnerable people that public and private programs cannot support.  I work for one.  I have collaborated with many.  But I dislike the fact they need to exist.  I want to live in a world where we don't need non-profit organizations to fill needs not met by public and private entities.  I want to live in a world where our public and private sectors ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to live a healthy and prosperous life, and supports those who unfortunately cannot.

Why must our society rely on non-profits to fill major gaps in support for the most vulnerable of persons?  Why, with all the money, technology, and intelligence in this world, cannot we not create a society providing everyone equal opportunity to live a healthy and prosperous life?  Why must non-profit organizations struggle to secure funding to provide basic services for the most vulnerable people?

I don't have answers to these questions.  So I continue to work for a non-profit organization, doing our best to provide people with the best opportunity to live a healthy and prosperous life.  I am dedicated to this work.... but I would rather be surfing.

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