Saturday, August 2, 2014

The sun is strong down here!

NO, it's not what you're thinking...I didn't get a bad sunburn.  I am just really impressed with how strong the sun is down here.

This afternoon I walked back to the clinic after lunch.  It's about a 25 minute walk from the Isaiah House (that's where I stay.  usually we drive back and forth).  I've done this walk a few times before, but it has always been in the morning or late afternoon, not in the middle of the day.

Looking beyond the fact that I was absolutely drenched in sweat and got goosebumps when I stepped into the shade of the clinic, I think I got a little sun burn today.  OK, maybe it's just a strong tan, but it reminded me how powerful the sun is down here.

While most of the local Haitians barely break a sweat when walking around in the heat, I am still waiting for my body to acclimatize.  Maybe it will happen one day...keep your fingers crossed for me.

Almost forgot to mention, at 90 degrees, yesterday was considered a cooler day.

A little more sun than I'm used to up north


UV chart 1:
Skin damage picture 2:


  1. avoided the burn...turned out to be a nice tan ;)

  2. Kevin, I love your updates! It sounds like you are adjusting well to the huge cultural shock of moving to another country. I'm glad you are having fun :)

  3. Thanks Laura. Hope school is going well.
