Wednesday, December 10, 2014

THE LAST DAY, Day 10 of the Positivity Challenge

Well, I thought I had finished this thing, but today I remembered that I still had one more day left.  The last day, of what was supposed to be 10 consecutive days of sharing three positive things from my day.  Better late than never.

1 - Feeling effortless during my 10 mile run this morning.  Which considering I was still sore from my 18 mile run on Sunday, and I happened to take a hard fall during my run today, was actually quite shocking to me.  (Tripping and in front of douzens of locals really helps eliminate any feelings of fatigue one during a run.)

2 - Putting together the final piece of a 51 page report I have been working on for the past few weeks.  (This enjoyment involves ignoring the fact that we still need to review, edit and then translate said report....Life is about celebrating the all accomplishments, right?)

3 - Finally completing this "10 day" challenge (which may or may not have started 55 days ago).  I am not enjoying the fact that it is over (I think I will try incorporate some positivity into all of my future blog posts), but rather, smiling about the reminder this challenge has given me.  The reminder to persist and carry on.  Granted, this wasn't exactly a "tough" challenge, but it served as a reminder to continue chipping away at large goals.  Even when the schedule doesn't go as planned and the deadlines are passed, sticking with and finishing a goal really is a great feeling.  I recommend trying it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Positivity Challenge Day 9 excuse this time.  I guess I'm not that good about posting every day.  But really, who would want to hear from me every day?!

Three positive things from today

1. Going running this morning for the first time in 6 days - had been so sore from a hike I did a few days ago that walking was a struggle, let alone running.

2. Feeling better after drinking some lemon juice - currently fighting a little cold.

3. Taking the time to relax this afternoon - enabled me to catch up on this positivity challenge

Three positive things since my last post on Nov 24th

1. Did an amazing hike in the Jacmel area - is called the Furcy to Jacmel hike (google it to find out more about it).  We didn't do the whole thing, but we hiked to Kay Winnie's house,  It was 16 miles of straight climbing, roughly 6,000 ft of elevation gain, all with amazing people and enironment surrounding us.

2. Feeling cold.  Doesn't happen to often here in Haiti, but being at the top of this mountain, somewhere around 6,000 ft in elevation, required pants, sweatshirt and hot tea.  I enjoyed every part of it.

3. Getting out of "the office" and working out in the community.  Had the opportunity to work with the school principle to weigh and measure kids in a school CCH supports in Lavaneau, who are part of our school health and feeding programs.