Monday, November 24, 2014

Positivity Challenge Day 8

OK, falling off track again...but I swear I have a good excuse!  Wasn't within reach of internet this past weekend - happens sometimes here in Haiti.

1.  Going to the opening ceremony for a new Project Medishare health clinic in Marmont.  Seeing my old friends from Project Medishare (the first organization I volunteered with in Haiti).  Learning/seeing that the clinic was named after an amazing woman, the former director, Miss Marie.

2. Having, Eddy, a good friend of mine from the Boston area arrive to visit with me for the week.

3. Taking the time to go to the beach with Eddy today after work to relax and catch up on things...felt at ease.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 7

1. Having one of the students in our French class improvise and teach a lesson when our teacher did not show up.  Seeing the enthusiasm and care-free attitude that this 45 year old "teacher" had during class.

2. Feeling good during my hour long run this morning, even after the fact that I had just done a long run two days prior.

3. Having our staff "break-in" to our OR area after I locked myself out.

Positivity Challenge Day 6

Wednesday, Nov 19th

1. Having the one thing I knew how to do to fix a printer actually work when our printer was in need of repair.

2. Being able to take some time to enjoy the beauty of Jacmel by going surfing and seeing the sunset while out on the water (sorry, no photo)

3. Seeing our volunteer work with our PT staff in such a diligent, caring and empowering manner.  Talking with him about leadership styles and techniques.  Being reminded to consciously lead others and also consciously lead of myself.

Dr. Andrew Bennet, PT, working/teaching with our PT staff

one of the beaches where people surf

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Catching up and catching my breath

Positivity Day 3 (Oct 18th)
1. Sitting and chatting with the chairman of our board about his experiences as a XO in the Navy.
2. Welcoming new volunteers to Haiti. 
3. Brainstorming ideas for our vaccination program

Day 4 (Oct 19th)
1. Finishing the transcription of our cookbook
2. Playing some soccer with some of the local kids on the beach
3. Hearing stories of what the south was like in the 60's and 70's and being grateful for how much progress has been done since then with regards to civil rights.

Where and what were Day 1 and 2 you ask?  If you happen to follow my blog, you might remember that about a month ago I started a 10 day "Positivity Challenge."  The challenge was to write three positive things about my day, for 10 days straight.  And if you haven't noticed by now, I have obviously failed the 10-consecutive-days part of the challenge.  In addition to the fact that my computer was out of commission for four weeks, let's just say it's been busy around here. But busy equals good.

Meeting with school principles
Over the past month I have had the opportunity and meet with some amazing people.  Just about the time I started this positivity challenge and the time that my computer went down, I got to work with our teacher development group for two weeks.  They were an amazing group of teachers, most of whom retired.  They were extremely passionate about helping the children in the communities we work in by further developing the the teachers of those communities.   They have truly taken a long-term approach to empower the Haitian people.

Collaboration between American surgeon, Haitian doctor
and Haitian nurses
As part of this teacher group, I got to work with a nurse in restarting our vaccination program and starting a school vaccination/health program.  This was a difficult, yet extremely enjoyable and rewarding project.  I intend to write about the experience soon.

Also during the past five weeks, I have had the opportunity to work with two surgical teams and a nursing team.  These experiences have been crazy busy, but also extremely rewarding.  Helping coordinate surgeries that would otherwise be unavailable to the people in the Jacmel region, was truly a great thing to be a part of.

Positivity Day 5
1. Having and taking the time to get caught up on my positivity challenge.
2. Feeling 10 times better during my 16 mile run than I had felt the last time I ran 16 miles 10 days ago.
3. Having a working computer and internet that enable me to post this blog.