Friday, October 17, 2014

Positivity Challenge: Day 2

1.  Being able to provide vaccines to a community that two days earlier we had disappointed when we could not find the vaccinations we were supposed to receive from the ministry of health.

2. Eating the tasty legume/vegetable mix for dinner that was made with spinach grown in our rooftop garden.

3. Having two volunteers help out big-time by inventorying of all our sutures for the operating rooms.   We had 121 different kinds of sutures...  Thank you Mitch and Voncile!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Positivity Challenge

My sister Julie challenged me to complete the Positivity Challenge. 10 days, three positive things each day. Here we go:
Day 1:
1. Seeing the subtle smile on parents’ faces after their child had received a vaccination they needed.
2. Having a successful day with our first step in developing a school vaccination program in the Lavaneau community [in Jacmel, Haiti].
3. Feeling, “in the zone” during French class tonight. (yes, it is possible do so a thing in the classroom)

riding to the clinic

our first vaccination

checking in for vaccinations